Parker Baz is a digital experience agency delivering high value outcomes for your business.

  • We Build beautiful, seamless online experiences for customers to interact with your business and increase revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • We optimise your end-to-end processes using technology as an enabler to reduce the cost of sale and service.
  • We create sustainable technology solutions so you can continuously innovate into the future.

Email us now for a FREE no obligation proposal

Although we’re primarily based in Wellington, New Zealand, we serve customers globally.
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Working Hours

Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.

Our History

Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.


Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.

Perfect Design

Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.

Creative Minds

Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.

Take a Tour

Dragged her into their agency, where they ab used her for their.

Special offer just this month:
Hire us to do the branding for your agency, and you’ll get expert advisory for free!

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If you decide to start now,
you can get a one-of-a-kind preview of our amazing new business deals!
Here’s How We Form
& Maintain Our Creative

Mikado Themes give you everything you need to create an amazing website. Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements and useful options, and completely user-friendly. Set up your website quickly and with ease. Tons of shortcodes provide.

Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements and useful options, and completely user-friendly. Set up your website quickly and with ease. Tons of shortcodes provide countless options. From image galleries to infographics and various interactive features.

Tons of shortcodes provide countless options. From image galleries to infographics and various interactive features, you can mix and match all elements to design the perfect page layout. Make your website come to life. Mikado Themes give you everything you need.

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    It would be our utmost pleasure to work with you.

    Parker Baz

    Outcome focused leaders in all things Digital