Parker Baz is a digital experience agency delivering high value outcomes for your business.

  • We Build beautiful, seamless online experiences for customers to interact with your business and increase revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • We optimise your end-to-end processes using technology as an enabler to reduce the cost of sale and service.
  • We create sustainable technology solutions so you can continuously innovate into the future.

Email us now for a FREE no obligation proposal

Although we’re primarily based in Wellington, New Zealand, we serve customers globally.
Leaders in all things Digital

Parker Baz is a digital experience agency delivering outcomes for your business.


We make Digital simple to understand and easy to deliver.

Digital is a simple concept, yet many people think it’s hard and expensive to deliver results.
With the right people on your team, Digital is quickly profitable for your business.
Let’s us provide some context about Digital and start from the top. Digital is where Customer and Business converges with Technology. It’s about building beautiful, seamless online experiences for customers to interact with your business and increase revenue and customer satisfaction. It’s about optimising your end-to-end processes using technology as an enabler to reduce the cost of sale and service. It’s about creating sustainable technology solutions so you can continuously innovate into the future.
We’re here to support your business aspirations. We are your on-demand Digital advisor, a trusted designer of your digital customer experience, builder of the online products you want to deliver, and your go-to-market specialists.
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Quick and Sustainable ROI is Key
Parker Baz is a creative Digital agency who deliver on your business outcomes. We call on our experience as full-stack leaders in the field to deliver an end-to-end product. We understand your business and the outcomes you want. We align your digital strategy to your business outcomes and advise how we can support your project. With Parker Baz, our focus is delivering Quick and Sustainable ROI.


Whether we’re developing your digital strategy or product roadmap, building an website with an AI-powered ChatBot, creating lead funnels to grow your subscription base, design and develop engaging user experiences for App or Web development, develop a go-to-market strategy and digital marketing campaigns to drive uptake to your products and services, or all of the above!
Our team has proven experience to delivery quality results.
You’ll get A players, everytime.
  • Digital strategies aligned to your business outcomes
  • Digital and product roadmaps
  • Develop and build go-to-market strategies for new products and Apps
  • Agile coaching – empowering outcomes over streamlined processes
  • Value stream mapping, Design Thinking customer journey mapping
  • Benefits realisation, KPI and A/B (multivariate) testing strategy
  • User research and usability testing
  • Brand development
  • Proposition Design
  • Application and web design – full end to end
  • Information architecture, interaction design, wireframes, visual design
  • Develop AdWords and social media advertising strategy
  • Attribution of conversion and developing metrics to identify the most cost effective marketing channel
  • Design and develop websites
  • Create conversion funnels to increase your email subscriptions
  • Automated end to end services to nurture sales and drive up conversion
  • Develop customer engagement strategy and material for contacting your subscribers
  • Advise and implement CRMs, Marketing Automation tools, Information management
  • Infrastructure and service design
  • Security audits and assessments
  • Hardware and software protection
Who we are
We have the A team with proven leaders in the field. You’ll get nothing short of high performance, every time.
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Shaun Smith

Founder & Director
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Sonia Glensor

Operations Manager
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Pavel Kuzin

UI/UX Designer
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Dr James McDowall

We only partner with those who share the same values as us. We have a small selection of high quality partners who can execute next level Digital Marketing and Product Development initiatives.
How we do it
Our process is simple. We build. We measure. We refine. We repeat.
It all starts with a quick conversation to understand your business objectives and the outcomes you want to achieve. We will then put together a (free no obligation) proposal and refine details with you. We’ll then dive into just enough planning to kick the project off. The delivery process is simple.

You only need to understand 3 key concepts to know how to execute Digital effectively:


Identify a clear need in the market and build something quickly and cheaply to test your product in use.


By its very nature, Digital solutions allow you to track performance with every interaction. Ensure you track and measure the results of everything you’ build, gather feedback from all sources, and take observations and insights as learnings.


Use the learnings and identify refinement opportunities.


Start again.

Contact us

    Parker Baz

    Outcome focused leaders in all things Digital